Labs use Rymedi to elevate how they connect with patients, providers, and customers. We help you quickly scale your business by seamlessly connecting your lab to thousands of patients and hundreds of customers through an innovative digital workflow and compliance engine that’s simple to use and results in higher testing throughput, increased revenue, reduced costs, minimized risk and improved satisfaction.

Enterprise companies trust in our service, you could be part of our community too

A close up of a beechtree logo.
A close up of a arcpoint labs logo.
A close up of a premier medical logo.
A close up of a reddi lab logo.
A close up of a wellness coaches logo.
A close up of a luxor logo.

We are the modern, digital bridge that expands your lab beyond its four walls.

A computer with a graph on it.

Rymedi removes the friction of a manual, paper filled operation to quickly connect with customers and patients and scale your lab outside its four walls with higher testing throughput and lower total cost of ownership. 

From patient consent and a universal mobile health pass to rapid collections deployment and automated reporting, Rymedi elevates the diagnostic experience and takes your lab to the next level. 

The future is digital.

For lab decision makers, it’s critical to start your digital transformation journey.

LIS/LIMS have limits and labs are challenged to scale their business. Existing systems focus on improving the operations within a lab’s four walls but ignores the experience with customers and patients…limiting a labs ability to scale. Labs need a solution that seamlessly connects across customers, patients, and the lab – a Digital Bridge

Value For Your Lab

  • Increase Revenue: higher testing throughout with your existing team, easy & quick to scale to new collection sites

  • Reduce Costs: Only pay for the tests you run, automated workflows and reporting, completely paperless

  • Competitive Edge: Increase market share by offering innovative, digital lab solutions that require minimal cost and setup time.

  • Minimize Risk: Eliminate legal worry with a robust, out of the box data compliance & interoperability engine 

Value For Your Patients

  • Improved Satisfaction: A paperless experience that streamlines ordering & authorization

  • Privacy & Security: A universal health pass with secure ID & full control of personal health data 

Value For Your Customers

  • Improved Satisfaction: A paperless experience that streamlines ordering & authorization

  • Increased Revenue: Early setup and monetize their place of business as a collection site 

How It Works

We designed our platform using advanced state-of-the-art Blockchain technology that provides scalability, performance, and the highest level of security and privacy. Our elegant cloud-designed architecture enables you to implement in days, not months

A diagram of a company.

What our customers say

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