The following article was originally published by Triangle Global Health:
The 2020 Triangle Global Health Annual Conference will explore global health in the COVID-19 era. Global health organizations in North Carolina and around the world are leaders in our collective responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. This conference will showcase North Carolina’s holistic and multifaceted local and global approach to COVID-19 – uniting academic research, policy and planning, vaccine research and development, environmental health, implementation science, big data analytics, and more. In addition, this virtual event will explore the impact of COVID-19 on long-term global health initiatives, such as the drive for universal health care coverage, health system strengthening, and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We also will explore how COVID-19 is interacting with social movements in the U.S, and globally, accelerating the recognition of racism as a public health issue and the need to decolonize global health. Does the pandemic present an opportunity for better global health vision post-COVID-19?